Thursday, December 15, 2011

Season's Greetings!

>>>After our spectacularly successful Scottish trip, it was our
intention to take it easy on projects and enjoy the autumn, which
is one of Virginia's loveliest times.
>>>>Apparently condos can morph into boats (from a project perspective),
which as you know from traveling with us over the years or living
on boats yourselves, is not necessarily a good thing. Installing
closet systems for closets now needing such attention, stretched
to weeks. The directions simply assumed that angles were square
and walls were plumb.
>>>>Our broker and his assistant have taken good care of our
finances while we have been gadding about, and has made our gadding
about feasible. Naturally, he left the big-name company after
15 years and started his own business, effective the first of
October, the day of our return from Scotland. Transferring every
account and direct deposit and withdrawal to a totally new brokerage
with a new system being built to his and our specs has occupied
much of the time not spent on other projects. No complaints,
understand—we love filling out (filling in to our British readers)
reams of paperwork (or bumph).
>>>>Fortunately, we were distracted from projects, logistics
and administration by visitors traveling through. This year,
not so many snowbirds in cars but some of our sailing friends
stopped by on their way south and, later, west. We enjoyed hosting
Jack's roommate from college, last seen 44 years ago, and his
wife (Not boaters, we found out they live in Richmond.)
>>>>We continue to enjoy the Deltaville area on the middle peninsula
and once again invite you to take a chance, whether by land or
sea, and take a detour to come enjoy the land that time forgot.
Did you know that one of the earliest naval engagements of the
Civil War was fought near us on the Piankatank? I bet not; neither
did we.
>>>>We have had a few encounters with the wildlife here: an eagle
in the field right by the septic field, a 10-point buck running
across the road and right into our car at two in the morning.
After we got the damage repaired, we decided that we probably
would not be buying a smaller car anytime soon. The body shop
said it had been a very good year for them: First, the tornado;
then, the earthquake; next, the hurricane and now it's rutting
>>>>For ourselves, we have usually not experienced all those
natural disasters at one time in one place, so it was sort of
a special year here in the sleepy south.
>>>>The best part of being on land and in the States for so long
has been the ability to see our family. We've already made two
trips up to MA to visit Anne and Tom, including for Thanksgiving
with son John and his family. And of course there has been time
for multiple trips up to DC to see that family. The little ones
are growing and we are delighted to be more available to see
all the changes. (See attached picture of six-year-old Nicholas
and four-year-old Quincy).
>>>>After Christmas (yet another trip to MA and back through
DC), we will spend the month of January preparing to leave for
Antigua, where Horizons awaits us.
>>>>We wish you all the best of the holiday season, a very Merry
Christmas and peace and joy in the New Year.


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